Compass Rose
The compass rose indicates true north, magnetic north, aircraft heading and aircraft track.
User aircraft heading, track, distance rings and markers are shown if Little Navmap is connected to a simulator. The rose is centered around the user aircraft if connected.
The compass rose is kept centered in the current view if not connected to a simulator. Magnetic declination is based on the declination in the center.
Once connected to a simulator, the compass rose will be attached to the user aircraft and follow its position.
This can be disabled in menu View
-> Attach Compass Rose to Aircraft.
The size is adapted to the map view size but not larger than 500 NM and not smaller than 0.2 NM.
Line thickness and other display options can be changed in dialog
on page Map Display Labels and Map Display User.
The colors for flight plan leg course and heading indicator depend on
settings for active flight plan leg which can be changed in the dialog
on page Map Display Flight Plan.
17.1. Indicators
True north. |
Magnetic north. |
Distance circles and marks from user aircraft if connected. |
Solid line shows aircraft track in degrees magnetic if connected. |
Dashed line shows aircraft heading if connected. |
Magenta line segment shows the course to next waypoint of the active flight plan leg. Hidden if no flight plan loaded. |
Heading indicator. Shows the heading that has to be flown towards the next waypoint of the active flight plan leg considering cross wind. Hidden if no flight plan loaded. |
17.2. Examples

Compass rose without simulator connection. Distance rings disabled.

Compass rose centered around user aircraft. No flight plan loaded. Therefore, heading and next waypoint indicators hidden.