8. Command Line Options

Several command line options are available.

Start Little Navmap with the help option littlenavconnect.exe -h (Windows), "Little Navmap.app/Contents/MacOS/littlenavconnect" -h (macOS) or ./littlenavconnect -h (Linux) to get more information on the terminal or the command line.

Note that paths or files containing spaces or special characters have to be put in double quotes ".


The program will not start if the command line option --quit / -q was set, even if no other instance was found.


The replay and whazzup options are mostly used for debugging and testing. Use these at your own risk.

8.1. Options

Both short and long options are available.

-h, --help

Displays help on commandline options.


Displays help including Qt specific options.

-v, --version

Displays version information.

-s, --save-replay <file>

Save replay data to <file>.

-l, --load-replay <file>

Load replay data from <file>.

-r, --replay-speed <speed>

Use speed factor <speed> for replay.

-w, --write-whazzup <file>

Update whazzup file <file> using VATSIM format during replay.

-z, --write-whazzup-speed <seconds>

Update whazzup file every <seconds> during replay.

-g, --replay-gui

Show replay menu items.

-q, --quit

Quit an already running instance.