13. Legend

By default, all speeds are given in knots (kts), distances in nautical miles (NM), altitudes and elevations in feet (ft). The units can be set to imperial or metric in the dialog Options on Units.

Colors, size and text labels of map elements can be changed in the dialog Options on Map Display, Map Display Flight Plan, Map Display User and Map Display Labels. This legend shows the default values.

Heading and course are suffixed with °T for true course or °M for magnetic course. °T/M is shown if both courses are equal.

See also Map Display.

13.1. Mouse Clicks

The display of a map feature class will be enabled if you use on of these mouse clicks. A Shift+Click will enable display of range rings after adding one, for example. A second Shift+Click into the center (active point) will remove the range rings.

You can enable or disable visibility in menu View -> User Features or the toolbar.

A click in the map on the active spot (Mouse Click Hotspots) of a feature like a range ring removes it. The cursor changes to a hand symbol to indicate an active spot which allows to remove a feature by click or remove/edit it in the context menu.



Single Click

Show information about all features near the cursor position.

Double Click

Zooms to the clicked feature and shows information.


Add or remove range rings or navaid range rings.


Start great circle line measurement or delete measurement line.


Add or edit an userpoint.


Insert airport, navaid, userpoint or position into the nearest flight plan leg.


Append airport, navaid, userpoint or position to flight plan.


Zoom in or out.


Zoom in or out in small steps.


Increase or decrease map details.

13.2. Key Commands

You have to activate the map window (i.e. click into it or press the key F2) before you can use the keyboard shortcuts.

See Keyboard Shortcuts for a complete list of shortcuts.



Cursor keys

Scroll the map.

+ and -

Zoom in and out.

* and /

Zoom in and out in small steps.

Alt+Left and Alt+Right

Go forward or backward in the map position history.

Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-

Increase or decrease map details.


Go to home position.


Go to center for distance search.


Jump to user aircraft.


Center flight plan.


Jump to coordinates.

13.3. Highlights

Selecting a row in the flight plan table or a search result table causes the related feature to be highlighted on the map. Hovering the mouse over the elevation profile will hightlight the related flight plan position on the map.

Highlights can be customized in Options on page Map Display User. See also Highlights.




Center of the home position. The position can be set in context menu -> More -> Set Home View


Center point that will be used for distance searches. Can be set in context menu -> More -> Set Center for Distance Search.


Shows map center. Useful for Click and Center navigation mode. Also shows map navigation click/touch areas if enabled. Can be enabled in Options on page Map Display Labels.

Search Highlight

A highlighted airport or navaid selected in the search result table. See also Search.

Flight Plan Hightlight

A highlighted airport or navaid selected in the flight plan table. See also Flight Planning.

Procedure Highlight From Procedure Highlight To

Highlighted positions of a procedure leg in the preview. Small circle show from and large circle to position. See also Search Procedures.

Procedure Highlight Related

Thin circle shows the recommended or related navaid of a procedure leg. This can be a VORDME for a DME arc approach leg for example. See also Search Procedures.

Elevation Profile Position

This shows the related position on the flight plan when hovering the mouse above the elevation profile. See also Elevation Profile.

13.4. Logbook Preview

Selecting rows in the logbook table shows a preview of the related logbook entries. The flight plan preview and the aircraft trail are only shown for one selected entry.

Direct connection between departure and destination as well as flight plan preview and flown trail is shown for selected logbook entries. Any of the above can be disabled in the logbook search context menu.

See also Logbook.

Logbook Entry

Airports and great circle path between departure and destination for a logbook entry selected in the search result table. Label shows departure, destination and great circle distance between airports.

Logbook Entry Flight Plan

Flight plan preview as stored with the logbook entry. Waypoint names and flying direction indicated by arrows. Note that complex procedures are not visible.

Logbook Entry Trail

Flown user aircraft trail stored with the logbook entry.

13.5. User Features

User features are all objects which can be added to the map by the user. This includes Holding, Airport Traffic Pattern and more.

User features can be customized in Options on page Map Display User.

Display of user features can be enabled or disabled in menu View -> User Features.


Range rings labeled with distance. The number and distance of the range rings can be changed in the Options dialog on page Map. This feature can be added from the map context menu using Add Range Rings.

Range VOR Range NDB

VOR or NDB range rings labeled with ident and frequency. Color indicates Navaid type. This feature can be added from the map context menu using Add Navaid Range Ring.


Great circle distance and course measurement line indicating length and true heading at start and destination. The two heading values will be equal for small distances. For shorter distances length is also shown in feet or meter. The width of distance measurement lines can be changed in the dialog Options on page Map Display Labels. The labels can be changed in the tree view on the right side of the same page. This feature can be added from the map context menu using Measure Distance from here.

Distance VOR

Measurement lines starting from an airport or navaid have the same color and additional ident and frequency labels. Course will consider calibrated magnetic declination of a navaid. This feature can be added from the map context menu using Measure Distance from here.

MSA Diagram

MSA diagram to scale. Right click on a MSA symbol and select Add MSA Diagram to show this. See Minimum Sector Altitude for more information.

13.6. Compass Rose

Line thickness can be changed in dialog Options on the tabs Map Display User and Map Display Labels.

The colors for flight plan leg course and heading indicator depend on settings for active flight plan leg which can be changed in the dialog Options on tab Map.



True North

True north.

Magnetic North

Magnetic north.

Distance Circles

Distance circles and marks from user aircraft if connected.

Aircraft Track Rose

Solid line shows aircraft track in degrees magnetic if connected.

Aircraft Heading

Dashed line shows aircraft heading if connected.

Flight Plan Leg Course

Magenta line segment shows the course to next waypoint of the active flight plan leg. Hidden if no flight plan loaded.


Heading indicator. Shows the heading that has to be flown towards the next waypoint of the active flight plan leg considering cross wind. Hidden if no flight plan loaded.

13.7. Aircraft and Ships

Labels for the user and AI aircraft can be configured Options on the tab Map Display Labels.

Display of traffic can be enabled or disabled in menu View Menu.



Small GA User Jet User Helicopter User

Current user vehicle if connected to the flight simulator. The user aircraft depends on selected aircraft (jet, piston/turboprop or helicopter).

Small GA on Ground Jet on Ground Helicopter on Ground Ship on Ground

User aircraft on ground or ship.

Carrier Frigate

Aircraft carrier and frigate (X-Plane only)

Aircraft Track Needle

Needle showing the current ground track of the aircraft. Aircraft nose shows heading. Can be disabled in Options on page Map Display Labels.

Aircraft Altitude

Selected altitude range arc. Position where the selected autopilot altitude will be reached. This display can be disabled in menu View -> Show Selected Altitude Range Arc.

Aircraft Turn

Aircraft turn flight path line. This predicts the flight path. This display can be disabled in menu View -> Show Turn Flight Path.

Aircraft Endurance

Aircraft endurance with distance and hours:minutes to go. This uses reserve fuel, contingency fuel, current fuel flow, fuel on board and ground speed to calculate the endurance This display can be disabled in menu View -> Show Aircraft Endurance.


User aircraft trail. Display can be toggled in menu View -> Show User Aircraft Trail


Wind around the user aircraft with direction in degrees magnetic and speed.

Small GA Jet Helicopter Small GA Ground Jet Ground Helicopter Ground Ship

AI or multiplayer aircraft. Labels vary and can be customized in Options on the tab Map Display. The symbol depends on aircraft type (jet, piston/turboprop, helicopter or ship).

Online on in Flight Online on Ground

Dark red color indicates online network aircraft/client. Labels vary and can be customized as above.

13.8. Airports

Airports having control towers are shown in dark blue others in magenta. Add-on airport names and idents are shown italic and underlined throughout the whole program. Airports that are part of the flight plan have a light yellow text background.

The symbol is shown smaller if an airport has no runways. This is the case for some add-on airports that use another techniques like photo scenery to display runways.

Labels and diagram elements for airports can be configured Options on the tab Map Display Labels.

Display of airports can be enabled or disabled in menu View -> Airports.



Large Airport Tower Large Airport

Airports with hard surface runways longer than 8,000 ft or 2,400 m. All runways longer than 4,000 ft or about 1,200 m are shown. Only for lower zoom distances.

Airport with Tower Airport

Airports with hard surface runways. White line shows heading of longest runway.

Airport with soft runways and Tower Airport with soft Runways

Airports with soft surface runways.

Airport Empty Airport Empty Soft

Empty airports shown in gray. No taxiways, no parking spots and no aprons.

Seaplane Base with Tower Seaplane Base

Seaplane base having only water runways.

Military Airport with Tower Military Airport

Military airport.


Heliport having only helipads and no runways.

Closed Airport with Tower Closed Airport

Abandoned airport. All runways are closed.

Airport with Fuel Airport with soft Runways and Fuel

Airports that have fuel available.

Add-on Airport

Add-on airports are always highlighted. You can disable this in the options dialog on page Map Display by unchecking Highlight add-on airports.

Airport Weather

Weather at airport. See chapter Airport Weather below.

Airport Text

Airport label showing name, ident, ATIS frequency, elevation, lighted runways (L) and length of longest runway. The text labels for airports can be changed in the dialog Options on the tab Map Display Labels.

Airport Overview

Airport runway overview shown before the full airport diagram when zooming in.

13.9. Airport Diagram

Runway, taxiway, helipad and apron colors indicate surface type. White is used for an unknown or invalid surface type given by an add-on developer.

Diagram elements for can be enabled or disabled in Options on the tab Map Display Labels.




Runway with length, width, light indicator (L) and surface type.

Runway End

Runway end with ident and magnetic heading.

Runway Threshold

Displaced threshold. Do not use for landing.

Runway Overrun

Overrun area. Do not use for taxi, takeoff or landing.

Runway Blastpad

Blast pad. Do not use for taxi, takeoff or landing.


Taxiway with name and center line.

Closed Taxiway

Closed taxiway.

Taxiway Apron

Semi transparent dotted aprons and taxiways indicate that no surface is drawn. It might use a photo texture or simply the default background.

Tower Active Tower

Tower. Red if a tower frequency is available. Otherwise just view position.



Parking GA

GA ramp with parking number and heading tick mark.

Parking Gate no Jetway Parking Gate

Gate with number and heading tick mark. Second ring indicates availability of jetway.

Parking Cargo

Cargo ramp

Parking Mil

Military combat parking or cargo ramp.

Helipad Helipad Medical Helipad Square

Helipads. Red text indicates medical helipad. Color indicates surface.

13.11. Flight Plan

Flight plan display labels can be changed in dialog Options on tab Map Display Labels. Look can be changed on Options page Map Display Flight Plan.

See also Flight Planning.

Flight Plan

Flight plan with distance, direction and magnetic course at each leg. °M and °T indicate magnetic or true course, respectively.

Flight Plan VOR

Blue fixed course labels show inbound and outbound course for VOR also depending on the calibrated declination. Blue indicates VOR inbound and outbound course with VOR calibrated declination. Otherwise black. See Magnetic Declination for more information on flight plan course and magnetic declination.

Flight Plan Procedure

Flight plan procedure leg with the same information as above.

Active Leg

Active flight plan leg.

Wind Barb

Wind direction and speed at flight plan waypoint. See chapter Winds Aloft below for details about wind barbs.

Flight Plan Departure Position

Flight plan departure position on airport. Either parking, fuel box, helipad, water or runway.

Top of Climb

Top of climb point with distance from departure. Can be disabled in menu View -> Show Top of Climb and Top of Descent

Top of Descent

Top of descent point with distance to destination. Can be disabled in menu View -> Show Top of Climb and Top of Descent

13.12. Procedures

See chapter Procedures and Search Procedures for more detailed information on all the legs.

The ellipsis indicates that additional information, such as altitude restrictions is available, which is not visible due to the zoom factor. Zoom in closer to see the details.



Procedure Leg Flight Plan Procedure Leg Preview

SID, STAR, approach or transition leg for flight plan and in preview with distance, direction and magnetic course at each leg.

Missed Leg Flight Plan Missed Leg Preview

Missed approach leg for flight plan and preview.

Circle to Land or Straight in

Dotted line indicates circle-to-land or straight-in part of a procedure leading to a runway end. Here part of flight plan.


Vector leg indicating course to an initial fix. Here part of flight plan.


Manual leg. Fly according to ATC instructions. Here shown as preview.


Leg to alternate destination.

Procedure Point

Gray yellow filled circle indicates a procedure point which is not a navaid but defined by course and/or distance from a navaid, an altitude restriction or manual termination.

Procedure Overfly

A black circle indicates an overfly waypoint. Can be a procedure point or a navaid.

Procedure FAF

The Maltese cross highlights the final approach fix or the final approach course fix.

Procedure GS

Prefix GS is not an altitude restriction but an indicator for the ILS glideslope altitude. Can mean at or at or above.

Procedure Manual

Fly a heading, track or a hold until manually terminated by ATC.

Procedure Intercept Leg

Intercept the next approach leg at a course of about 45 degrees.

Procedure Altitude

Procedure leg that is terminated when reaching the given altitude.

Procedure Intercept Distance

A fix defined by a course or heading and distance to a navaid.

Procedure Intercept Radial

Turn to intercept a radio navaid radial.

Procedure Intercept Course Distance

This fix is defined by a heading or track which is terminated by reaching a DME distance.

Procedure Intercept Course to Fix

Intercept a course to the next fix at an angle of about 45 degrees.

13.13. Elevation Profile

The colors and symbols of the elevation profile follow the style of the main map as set in the options dialog on tab Map Display. Colors, patterns and symbols for airports, navaids, procedures, active and passed flight plan legs are the same. The profile display also follows other map settings like visibility of flight plan line, aircraft and aircraft trail.

See also Elevation Profile Display Options for customization options.

See Elevation Profile for more information.



Profile Start Profile End

Ground with departure elevation on the left and destination airport elevation on the right.

Flight Plan Profile

Flight plan altitude.

Top of Climb Profile

Top of climb with distance from departure.

Top of Descent Profile

Top of descent with distance to destination.


At altitude restriction of a procedure with waypoint name.

At or above

At or above altitude restriction of a procedure.

At or below

At or below altitude restriction of a procedure.


At or above and at or below (between) altitude restriction of a procedure.

Profile Safe Alt

Minimum safe altitude for flight plan. This is elevation plus 1,000 ft rounded up to the next 500 ft. The 1,000 ft buffer can be changed in the dialog Options on the tab Flight Plan

Profile Segment Safe Alt

Minimum safe altitude for a flight plan segment. The same rules apply as to the minimum safe altitude for flight plan.


User aircraft if connected to the simulator. Labels show actual altitude and climb/sink rate.

Trail Profile

User aircraft trail if connected to the flight simulator.

Vertical Path

Projected vertical path by current climb or sink rate

ILS Profile

ILS slope. Label shows ident, frequency, magnetic heading, glideslope pitch and DME indication if available. Only shown if an approach is selected and runway end has an ILS. Opening angle has no relation to actual slope precision.

RNP Profile

GLS/RNP approach path indicating a precision approach. Can be disabled in menu View -> Navaids -> Show GLS/RNP Approach Paths. The label shows type, performance, runway/approach, magnetic inbound course and glidepath.


Visual Approach Slope Indicator. Label shows slope pitch and VASI type. Only shown if an approach is selected and runway end has a VASI. Opening angle has no relation to actual slope precision.

Vertical Path Angle

Calculated vertical descent path angle during the descent phase.

Required Vertical Path Angle

Required vertical descent path angle in a procedure. This is a procedure restriction.

13.14. Airport Traffic Pattern

Color and indicators depend on user choice in Traffic Patterns dialog.

This feature can be added from the map context menu using Add Traffic Pattern.




Downwind leg of airport traffic pattern with altitude and magnetic course.


Final leg of airport traffic pattern with runway and magnetic course.

Entry Indicator

Arrow and dashed line shows path for pattern entry.

Exit Indicator

Dashed line and arrows show path for pattern exit.

Active Position Pattern

White circle is active point at the runway threshold of the pattern. Mouse cursor changes above and allows to remove the pattern in the context menu.

13.15. Holding

Color depends on user choice in Holdings dialog.

This feature can be added from the map context menu using Add Holding.



Inbound to Fix

Holding fix, magnetic and true inbound course, time for straight leg and navaid ident (LBU). Ident is only shown if holding is attached to navaid. True course display depends on options.

outbound from Fix

Magnetic and true outbound course, speed and altitude as given in the dialog. True course display depends on options.

Active Position Hold

Active point and holding fix. Mouse cursor changes above and allows to remove the holding in the context menu.

13.16. MORA Grid

The minimum off-route altitude grid provides an obstacle clearance altitude within an one degree grid. The altitudes clear all terrain and obstructions by 1,000 ft in areas where the highest elevations are 5,000 ft MSL or lower. Where the highest elevations are above 5,000 ft MSL terrain is cleared by 2,000 ft.

Display of the MORA grid can be toggled in menu View -> Show Minimum off-route Altitude Grid.




MORA grid. Large number is 1,000 ft and small number 100 ft. Example here: 3,300, 4,400, 6,000, 9,900 and 10,500 ft.

13.17. Airport Weather

Display of airport weather symbols can be toggled in menu View -> Show Airport Weather. The weather source can be selected in menu Weather -> Airport Weather Source.

See also Weather.

13.17.1. Flight Rules

Symbol Color



VFR. Visual flight rules.


MVFR. Marginal VFR. Visibility equal or below 5 statue miles or lowest ceiling at or below 3,000 ft.


IFR. Instrument flight rules. Visibility below 3 statue miles or lowest ceiling below 1,000 ft.


LIFR. Limited IFR. Visibility below 1 statue miles or lowest ceiling below 500 ft.

13.17.2. Cloud Cover




No clouds.






Broken ceiling



13.17.3. Wind

The source for winds aloft forecasts can be selected in menu Weather -> Wind source.

See also Winds Aloft.



No Wind

No pointer indicates wind below 2 knots.

4 Knots Wind

Pointer without wind barb shows wind below 5 knots from north-west.

5 Knots Wind

Short barb is 5 knots wind.

10 Knots Wind

Long barb is 10 knots wind.

50 Knots Wind

50 knots wind.

25 Knots Wind

Example: 25 knots.

65 Knots Wind

Example: 65 knots.

15 Knots steady Wind gusting to 30 Knots

Example: 15 knots steady wind (black) gusting to 30 knots (red).

13.18. Winds Aloft



No Wind Aloft

No pointer indicates wind below 2 knots.

Wind below 5 Knots

Below 5 knots from west.

25 Knots Wind Aloft

Example: 25 knots.