74. Map Themes

74.1. Installing Map Themes

Additional map themes can be installed in the directory set in options on page Cache and Files, section Map Display Themes. You have to enter a valid path there before using map themes.

New maps come as downloads with different directory structures. Some contain the base folder data\maps\earth in the downloaded archive some do not. Each map installed theme has to consist of a directory containing the related .dgml and other files. The name of the map directory and the .dgml file have to match. For example .../norway-topo/norway-topo.dgml.

Note that you have to restart Little Navmap to see the new map themes.


Select map theme folder Documents\Little Navmap Files\Map Themes in options. The status line below the path shows a valid directoy and one map theme found. Click image to enlarge.


Installing a map theme from a ZIP file OpenStreetMap French.zip. The compressed file contains the subdirectory data\maps\earth. You have to copy the directory osm-fr containing the file osm-fr.dgml into your selected map theme directory Documents\Little Navmap Files\Map Themes.

You have to restart Little Navmap to see the new map themes. Click image to enlarge.

74.2. Creating Map Themes

To add an arbitrary online or offline map to Little Navmap simply add the map directory from a downloaded or self created map theme to the data\maps\earth directory.

Note that you need to restart Little Navmap to see the new map themes in the menu.

The full path to the DGML file (see links below for more details about DGML) describing the map must be ...\Little Navmap\data\maps\earth\opencyclemap\opencyclemap.dgml if you like to add the OpenCycleMap for example. The DGML file can refer to an online map service or included offline map data. Usually a map theme contains many more files than only the DGML.

The menu View -> Theme in the main menu and the toolbar drop down box will receive an entry for each additional map theme.

The option Show Country and City Names is enabled for all additional map themes but might not work depending on properties defined in the map’s DGML file.

See the comments in the included file data\maps\earth\example\example.dgml or here online example.dgml for more information.

More maps and information about map configuration and DGML files can be found here on the Marble and KDE pages: